Tehillim Mechulak Hebrew - 28 Booklets - תהילים המחולק עבודה שבלב
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אותיות גדולות ומאירות עיניים
In the past years, thousands of groups worldwide have been formed to recite "Tehillim Mechulak," with each member of the group receiving a booklet with several chapters of King David's Sefer Tehilim (Psalms) and reciting it, so the entire Tehillim is recited in a short time.
This set of booklets comes in an elegant display box. Features include:
- A boxed set of 28 booklets
- Fully vowelized Hebrew text
- A gold-stamped elegant leatherette box
- The box opens and closes for easy access and storage
- Light, easy-to-carry to group gatherings
- Room on the box front for imprinting for a name for a refuah or zecher nishmat
Format: soft cover
Dimensions: 4.75 x 6.75 x 3 inches
Size: Full Size