Holy Zohar on Microfilm - in Your Pocket / הזוהר הקדוש - סגולה לפרנסה לשמירה רפואה וברכה
Protection that brings you abundance of blessing and success
Size of a credit card
The Holy Book of Zohar the size of a credit card for protection, healing, success and blessing. The supreme holiness and virtues of the Book of Zohar are: to purify and purify the soul of the reader, even without understanding, to heal from all illnesses, to save a person from all troubles and to be blessed with all blessings, spiritually and physically, and to bring the redemption of the people of Israel closer with mercy
The miniature Zohar microfilm comes in a luxurious case and is a dignified blessing that does not need protection but rather gives it to its recipients. By simply holding the book, a veil of protection and protection is created that brings abundant blessing and success.
The Holy Book of Zohar - a light that shines from the end of the world to its end, the light of goodness hidden in the Torah Great and immense secrets, scientific discoveries and many historical events lie within the pages of the Holy Book of Zohar, which is a central landmark in the revelation of the hidden teachings. The Book of Zohar was written by Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, who edited the text according to the Torah passages and revealed the secrets of the Torah through sermons and religious symbols. The Book of Zohar is the pillar of the secret teachings, many books of Kabbalah and morality were written following it and under its great influence. The Book of Zohar also serves as a tremendous virtue for bringing redemption closer and igniting faith in the souls of Israel. It is known that by studying and distributing the Zohar, we connect with the Rashbi - Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. In the Zohar lies the soul of the righteous, and the very possession of the book creates a veil of protection and protection that brings abundance, blessing, and success. Thanks to the invention of microfilm, we can carry the holy Zohar everywhere using a tiny slide on which the entire Zohar is photographed at a reduction of up to 3000 times. If you want to carry this holy treasure with you or give a quality gift, order the miniature Zohar today, which comes in a luxurious package and is a dignified gift even for events and joint evenings. Your loved ones will carry the gift with them, and wherever they go, the memory will remain with them that you are the ones who brought a gift that does not need to be kept but rather gives it to its recipients.
It's supreme holiness along with its ability to bring about positive changes are evident as it cleanses and purifies the soul of its reader even though he doesn’t understand its content, cures all diseases, saves a person from calamity, affords all spiritual and material blessings and compassionately brings the redemption of the Jewish nation closer.
Whoever carries this holy writing will be safeguarded wherever he/she gives. G-d will be with and make him successful wherever he goes.