Ramban - Complete 7 Volume Set - Full Size
The Torah with Ramban's commentary translated, annotated, and elucidated
Ramban (Nachmanides) Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman, who lived in 13th-century Spain, was one of the greatest minds in an epoch of great men. He was a leader, a thinker, a Torah and Talmud commentator, a halachic decisor, a successful defender of Judaism against the Church and its Jewish apostates. At the age of 70 he was exiled from his native Aragon, and during the next three years, he wrote the monumental Chumash commentary that has stood the test of over six centuries. Unexcelled in depth, breadth, scope, and profundity, Ramban's comprehensive commentary is exceedingly brilliant, exceedingly seminal - and exceedingly complex. Few are those who have mastered this masterpiece.