Talmud Yerushalmi Schottenstein - Hebrew Edition Full Size Set 51 Volumes
For five generations of the Talmudic era, the great Sages of the Land of Israel flourished in the Galil. There, like the Sages of Babylonia, they debated, expounded, and applied the laws and principles of the Mishnah that were received at Sinai .The sacred learning of those years was gathered in the Talmud Yerushalmi - The Jerusalem Tamud.
They lived with Roman pogroms and persecution - but the flame of Torah burned bright despite it all. Until about 350 C. E., when brutal Roman anti-Semitism decimated the Holy Land's yeshivos and silenced its voice of Torah. But the Sages' teachings live on in the Talmud Yerushalmi, just as the teachings of Babylonia live one in the Talmud Bavli - The Babylonian Talmud.
But while the Sages of Babylonia had another 150 years to redact, clarify and organize the text of the Babylonian Talmud, Roman persecution in the Holy Land made that impossible. Thus, the Jerusalem Talmud is exceedingly difficult, and - despite its great significance - it has been a closed book to all but select, elite scholars.
Now, thanks to the outstanding scholars who produced the classic Schottenstein Edition of Talmud Bavli, the lock is being removed on yet another treasure-house of Torah Sheb'al Peh, the Oral Law.
This project has been enthusiastically welcomed and endorsed by Torah leaders in Israel and America
- Every word of the text appears, vowelized and translated
- Each phrase is explained so that the reader understands the reasoning and flow
- Each question, answer, proof and rebuttal is introduced so that the reader will know where the Gemara is taking him
- Notes expand on the explanation of the Gemara's points, and explain unfamiliar ideas without interrupting the flow of the text
- Detailed diagrams
- Introductions to the entire tractate and to each topic, wherever necessary
- Glossary explains key expressions in each tractate
- Acid-free paper
- Magnificent specially sculpted cover
- Reinforced deluxe library binding for long use
- Ribbon-marker
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Format: Hardcover
Dimensions: 8.75 x 12 inches
Published By: ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Release Date: 11/10/2022
Size : Full Size
Color: Green
Language: Hebrew
The total linear measurement for this set is 111.75".