A Tzadik and his Students: The Rebbe-chassid Relationship
Discover the true spiritual essence of Judaism through the teachings of chassidic philosophy and its practice, which serves as a core for all Jews. A key component of this journey is the bond between a chassid and his Rebbe, a concept that may seem mysterious or unknown to many, but is integral in one's spiritual growth. Explore this profound relationship through the inspiring book, A Tzaddik and His Students: The Rebbe-Chassid Relationship, written by renowned Rabbi Shloma Majeski. As the dean of Machon L'yahadus, a women's seminary in the heart of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, Rabbi Majeski has over thirty years of experience in teaching chassidic philosophy and shares his wisdom through his book and lectures. Don't miss the opportunity to understand and connect with the spiritual world of the Rebbe-chassid relationship.