My Story - Forty One Individuals Share Their Personal Encounters With The Rebbe.
From the first-time mother to the commander in Israel’s Air Force; the struggling dentist to the community rabbi, My Story features 41 inspirational true stories of the Rebbe from the My Encounter with the Rebbe oral history project, complemented by family photos and documents, as well as a stunning selection of portraits of the Rebbe from the Living Archive picture collection, printed on beautiful glossy paper on over 400 full color pages.
Many of these stories are published here for the first time, while others are more complete versions of the popular weekly Here’s My Story publication.
With incredible insight and sensitivity, the Rebbe’s wisdom and sensitivity shine an unexpected ray of hope in the face of challenge and adversity. The outcomes have a transformational impact on the lives of the storytellers, and are sure to do the same for you.