The Early Prophets - Personal size - 5 Volume Slipcased Set
The Early Prophets - with a commentary anthologized from the Rabbinic writings
By Rabbi Nosson Scherman
Now, an instant classic is available in a new convenient size. The popular three-volume Rubin Edition of the Early Prophets grows to five-volumes, and shrinks to the handy size of 6 x 4 3/4. The five volumes include: Joshua, Judges, Samuel I and II, and Kings I and II.
You know and use the Stone Edition of the Chumash, which has become the standard English-language Chumash. But what about the rest of the Written Torah, the Prophets and the Writings? Where can we go for a sweeping understanding of the text, as understood by the Sages and the classic commentators ù presented in a way that makes it both accessible and enjoyable to scholar and layman alike?
The Rubin Edition provides the answer, thanks to the brilliance of the ArtScroll/Mesorah team of scholars and writers led by Rabbi Nosson Scherman. This translation and commentary on the Prophets is sweeping the English-speaking world, providing new dimensions of understanding and beauty.
This is a perfect gift for Bar and Bas Mitzvas, for weddings and graduations, for birthdays - and don't forget one for yourself!