Tending the Vineyard
A celebrated rabbi, lecturer, and renowned historian writes an honest depiction of the person, challenges, and rewards that come with being a congregational rabbi. This insightful glimpse into the rabbinate is a must-read for anyone interested in synagogue or communal leadership. Descended from a prestigious rabbinic line, Rabbi Berel Wein is a captivating speaker, expertly drawing life lessons from everyday experiences. With vivid storytelling, he delves into the various roles a rabbi must fulfill - as a scholar, a teacher, a diplomat, a role model, a fundraiser, a peacemaker, a pastoral counselor, and leader of his own family. Drawing on his extensive fifty years of leadership, Rabbi Wein presents a comprehensive twenty-four chapter guide to the realities of being a rabbi, including managing personal life, the role of a "rebbetzin," effective teaching techniques, maintaining confidentiality, navigating financial and philanthropic considerations, handling confrontation and mediation, and the importance of building strong relationships with
Language: English