Talmud Bavli New Vilna Shas - Medium 20 Vol - שס וילנא בינוני כ' כרכים
the full set of Talmud Bavli New Vilna Shas - Medium - שס וילנא בינוני כ' כרכים
Experience the beauty of the Talmud Bavli with brand new Shas - a true masterpiece! Crafted with high-quality vinyl material, it boasts a luxurious leather feel and look. The new clear letters further enhance the joy of learning. This is a must-have for any passionate learner.
- New typesetting and clear print of the Gemara, Rashi, Tosfos and other commentaries appearing on the Daf - with the original Vilna page layout
- Bold Rashi 'Divrei Hamatchil
- Entirely new typesetting of all the Rishonim and Achronim in the back of the Gemara
- Text translations based on Rishonim
- Cross references to relevant notes of Rashi in other areas of Shas and seforim
- Complete text of Pesukim referenced in the Gemara, Rashi, and Tosfos
- "Yalkut Mefarshim" brings you other Perushim retyped and typeset according to the order of each Daf
- Additional commentaries which were not included in previous prints
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Hight: 12.20 Inches
Format: Hardcover
Volume: 20 Volumes
3 Boxes, Total weight 110 lb