Passover Bag Of Plagues
Upgrade your Passover celebration with the Passover Bag of Plagues. Each plague is depicted through a toy or play item, adding both enjoyment and educational value to teaching children the story of the Jewish Exodus. A must-have for every Seder night. Got Plagues? Indeed you do! This timeless product includes items representing all 10 Plagues, providing hours of Passover play and fun.
- One Toy for Every Plague:
- 1 Red cup for BLOOD
- 1 Frog for FROGS
- 1 Small black bug for LICE
- 1 Lion finger puppet for WILD ANIMALS
- 1 Cow puzzle for CATTLE PLAGUE
- 1 Sticky hand with white dots for BOILS
- 1 Red and white bouncing ball for HAIL
- 1 Large green locust for LOCUSTS
- 1 Pair of sunglasses for DARKNESS
- 1 - 12 pc. puzzle for DEATH OF FIRSTBORN