From the Maggidim of Yesteryear - Volume 2: Shemos and Vayikra
Discover the heartwarming tales and timeless wisdom passed down from the maggidim of our ancestors in From the Maggidim of Yesteryear - Volume 2: Shemos and Vayikra. Be inspired by the powerful words of the Maggid of Kelm, Rav Shalom Schwadron, Rav Ben Zion Yadler, and Rav Yaakov Galinsky, as they share their stories and insights in this beloved series. Translated from the bestselling Hebrew work L'Haggid, this book immerses us in the world of the maggid, where we can find clarity and the simplicity of absolute truth in the midst of our complex lives. Experience the inspiring voices of these great teachers, as they guide us towards a better understanding of ourselves and our world.
Language: English