Rambam Mishne Torah Set, 8 volumes - Hebrew Edition - Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz -
Mishneh Torah Hebrew 8 Volumes
The Mishneh Torah is the most comprehensive corpus of halakha in Jewish literature. Written by the Rambam in the 12th century, it offers advanced and novice learners alike a straightforward guide to Jewish law.
This Mishne Torah is the newest edition of the Mishne Torah today. It features a clear, contemporary layout that clarifies the text, the brilliant Hebrew commentary of the prolific Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz, along with a variety of rich visual aids and educational tools to help learners read and understand the Rambam's text more clearly. Educational tools include:
• Introductions to every chapter and halakha in each volume.
• Explanations of terms, concepts, halakhot and their underlying principles.
• Summary of halakhic rulings with source citations (incl. Shulhan Arukh and responsa).
• Restoration of authentic chapter divisions (commonly-used divisions have been retained).
• Charts and diagrams to illustrate complex concepts.
The Rambam's tombstone states: "From Moses to Moses, there was no one like Moses." Moses gave the Jews the the Torah, the five books of the Written Law. Moses ben Maimon, the Rambam, wrote the Mishneh Torah to serve as "a compilation of the entire Oral Law, including the ordinances, customs, and decrees that were enacted from the time of Moses, our teacher, until the completion of the Talmud," so that "a person will not need another text at all with regard to any Jewish law." Rather, "a person should first study the Written Law, and then study this text and comprehend the entire Oral Law from it, without having to study any other text between the two." This great classic is now accessible to an English reader in a free-flowing, but scholarly translation with a vowelized Hebrew text. It includes a concentrated, yet inclusive commentary that presents a digest of the centuries of Torah scholarship which have been devoted to the study of the Mishneh Torah.
- Language : Hebrew
- Hardcover : 6618 pages
- Item Weight : 23.4 pounds
- Dimensions : 10.4 x 7.3 x 14.4 inches